Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dancing Rainbows

If you love rainbows....
you will absolutely love this shop!!

Adrienne is so sweet,  and when I ordered one of her
gorgeous sun catchers,  I found out it was made
in honor of her grand~daughter,  who loves grape slushies! That was the name of the sun catcher I ordered,  well one of them..... I ordered three!!
After seeing the ones she sent in for Z Box,  I went
shopping and couldn't decide on one so I got three,  two for me and one for a gift!!

Information you will find in Adrienne's profile and shop announcement!

"I was raised in the Military and lived in several countries and several states.
 I've loved experiencing all the "sights and sounds" of every place I have lived and visited. 
I feel this appreciation of other cultures has contributed to my love of art, color and music.

Art, Color and Music have always had a great influence on my life.
 For me, Prisms are a magical combination of those elements.
I love the way Ribbons of Rainbow colors dance around the room.
I hope you will too."

Adrienne also has another shop on Zibbet!

She also loves photography!

She has also sent in cards to Z Box

and I have to say looking at some of them made me 

feel like I was there in the very spot she took the 

picture,  they are so vivid and clear!!

You can find Adrienne at her shops:




Please stop by and tell Adrienne that
sent you!

1 comment:

Raige Creations said...

I love her work! got one of them on my wishlist...